marketing consultant

Do not sell products - gain customers!

Would you like to increase your sales? Or are you planning on becoming independent? If that is the case, I can support you, being a marketing consultant.


Marketing consultant

What is a marketing consultant, and do I need one?

About Marketing Consulting

Marketing is a term that describes everything that you need to do in order to gain and keep your customers. Sounds easy, but it’s not: not only do you need a convincing product or service, but also a very good personal relation to your customers.

I will show you what this especially in your case.

Mit meiner Beratung zeige ich dir, was das im einzelnen für dich heisst.

Do you need marketing consulting?

  • Do you have an outstanding idea for a product and want to start your own business, yet you do not have any formal knowledge in sales or marketing?
  • Are your sales figures stagnating and you don’t know why?
  • Would you like to conquer new markets?

If you can answer any of the above mentioned questions with “YES”, then I may help you, being a marketing consultant.

My Offer


Market Analysis

I will analyze the market and where you stand compared to your competition. Thus, I show you how to make a difference.


Together, we will establish objectives that are really SMART – specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely, that is


In order to achieve your objectives, you need a clear plan to win customers and bind them. I show you how that works.


Put your plans into action to increase your sales with my support.

brand identity

Whether you need just some adjustments or a complete rebranding – I will meet all of your needs.

Advertising materials

The brand alone is just the beginning – I can also offer all kinds of advertising, such as a website, product catalogs, flyers etc.


I will act as your customer, showing you how you can sell your products convincingly and winsomely.

Performance monitoring

I will show you how to check whether you are achieving your goals and to see where you need to improve

It’s all about our Customers

Dear reader,

The single most important lesson I learned as a marketing and sales manager as well as later on as a business owner is this: we have to put our customers first, for they are the reason our business exists in the first place.

Prof. Fredmund Malik, management expert in St. Gallen, put it this way

“Satisfied customers make the business owners rich – not the other way around!”

I will show you how to translate this into your everyday business.


Contact me

Are you interested in my offer? Or do you have any questions? If so, do not hesitate to contact me!