David Ruprecht

Never give up - faith moves mountains

David Ruprecht – Major in business administration, Entrepreneur, and evangelical Christian


“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20

New King James Version

The name’s David Ruprecht. Pleased to meet you!

Born 1980 in Solothurn (Switzerland), my family and I are now living in Paraguay, where we found our true home and precious friends.

After having studied Business Administration and worked as a commercial manager and later as an independent business consultant, I am now dedicating my life to my family, our small real estate firm – and to the Lord Jesus Christ, who has always been by my side, even though I did not always stick by his.

Today, it is my pleasure and honor to share the faith with my fellow men. After all, Jesus Christ is the only way to the father, open to everyone who will believe in Him.


Learn more about the services of the Ruprecht Family

Real Estate Rental

Barrito León offers various property for rent in Switzerland and in Paraguay.

Web Design

Ruprecht web design is a service to create affordable websites for small businesses, individuals, and clubs


Transportation of people and goods for individuals and small companies in Paraguay


David Ruprecht

David Ruprecht

BBA University of Berne | Entrepreneur


In Person

  • Full Name: Marc Oliver David Ruprecht
  • Family: married to Jacqueline, 1 son
  • resident of Paraguay since 2021
  • Evangelical Christian


Degree and Profession


Further Training



  • German: mother tongue
  • Spanish: full professional proficiency
  • English: full professional proficiency
  • French: full professional proficiency
  • Japanese: basic knowledge

My Credo

“Aim at heaven and you get earth “thrown in”. But aim at earth and you will get neither.“
C. S. Lewis

author of the "Chronicles of Narnia"


Get in touch with me by e-mail or Telegram




+595 983 470069